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How to Check App Time Usage on Your iPhone

Are you curious about how much time you spend on your iPhone apps? Checking your app time usage is quick and easy, and it can be incredibly helpful in managing your screen time. In this video, we will demonstrate step by step how to check app time usage on your iPhone.

By monitoring your app usage, you can gain insights into how much time you spend on specific apps and adjust your usage accordingly. It’s important to manage app usage to ensure we maintain a healthy balance between screen time and other activities.

With the screen time feature on your iPhone, you can not only view your app and website activity for the day or week but also set app limits to control and restrict your usage. This feature allows you to set time limits for certain apps, helping you prioritize your time and avoid excessive app usage.

Step 1: Open Settings

To check your app time usage on your iPhone, the first step is to open the Settings app. You can find the Settings app on your home screen.

The Settings app icon looks like a gear. It’s usually located towards the top right corner of your home screen.

To open the Settings app, simply double-tap on the app icon. This will launch the Settings app on your iPhone.

Step 2: Access Screen Time

Now that you have opened the Settings app on your iPhone, the next step is to access the Screen Time feature. You can find Screen Time at the very bottom of the Settings menu.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings menu, and you will see “Screen Time” listed just below the “Focus” option. Tap on “Screen Time” to proceed.

If you have not already activated Screen Time, it is important to enable it. Screen Time allows you to not only view your app and website activity, but also set app limits to control and restrict your usage.

By setting time limits for certain apps, you can prioritize your time and avoid excessive app usage. This can be especially helpful in managing your screen time and maintaining a healthy balance between digital activities and other aspects of your life.

Once you tap on “Screen Time,” you will have access to detailed information about your app and website activity, including a day view and a week view. This will show you exactly how long you have spent on each specific app.

Additionally, you can set app limits by tapping on “App Limits” and selecting the apps you want to limit. For example, you can set a limit of 1 hour per day for social media apps. Once you reach the time limit, you will be unable to use those apps until the next day.

Take advantage of the various options available in Screen Time to manage and control your app usage. It’s a powerful tool that can help you make more mindful choices about your screen time habits and find a healthy balance.

Step 3: View App and Website Activity

After accessing Screen Time, you will see the option for app and website activity. This feature tracks the time you spend on each app, giving you insights into your usage habits.

When you tap on app and website activity, you will be able to view both daily and weekly summaries. The day view shows you how long you were on each specific app for that day, while the week view provides a broader picture of your app usage patterns.

This information can be incredibly helpful in managing your screen time and ensuring a healthy balance between digital activities and other aspects of your life.

By seeing the exact amount of time you spend on each app, you can identify any apps that are consuming too much of your time and make adjustments accordingly.

Additionally, Screen Time allows you to set app limits to control and restrict your usage. To set app limits, simply tap on “App Limits” and choose the apps you want to limit. For example, you can set a limit of 1 hour per day for social media apps.

Once you reach the time limit, you will be unable to use those apps until the next day, helping you prioritize your time and prevent excessive app usage.

To continue exploring the app and website activity feature, tap on “App and Website Activity” in the Screen Time menu. Here, you can delve deeper into your usage data and make informed decisions about your screen time habits.

By utilizing the various options available in Screen Time, you can gain better control over your app usage and create a healthier relationship with your iPhone.

Step 4: Set App Limits

In addition to checking your app time usage, you can also set app limits to manage your app usage on your iPhone. This feature allows you to control and restrict the amount of time you spend on specific apps.

To add app limits, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Screen Time.”
  3. If you haven’t already, enable Screen Time by tapping on it.
  4. Once you’re in the Screen Time menu, tap on “App Limits.”
  5. Here, you can select the apps you want to limit.
  6. As an example, let’s set a daily limit of one hour for social media apps.
  7. Tap on “Add Limit,” then select the social media apps you want to limit.
  8. Tap “Next” and set the time limit to one hour per day.
  9. Once you’ve reached the time limit, you won’t be able to use those apps until the next day.

Setting app limits can help you prioritize your time and prevent excessive app usage. By limiting your usage of social media apps, for example, you can create a healthier relationship with your iPhone and maintain a better balance between digital activities and other aspects of your life.

Take advantage of the app limits feature in Screen Time to make more mindful choices about your app usage and ensure a healthier screen time routine.


To summarize, here are the steps covered in the video:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Access the Screen Time feature at the bottom of the Settings menu.
  3. Enable Screen Time if you haven’t already.
  4. View your app and website activity to see how much time you spend on each app.
  5. Set app limits to control and restrict your usage.

Managing app usage is important to maintain a healthy balance between screen time and other activities. By monitoring your app usage and setting time limits, you can make more mindful choices and prevent excessive app usage.

If you found this video helpful, be sure to subscribe to our channel for more useful content. We regularly share tips and tricks for managing your iPhone and improving your digital habits.

Thank you for watching, and we’ll see you in the next video!


What if I don’t see the Screen Time option?

If you don’t see the Screen Time option in your Settings, it’s likely because you haven’t enabled it yet. To enable Screen Time, simply go to the Settings app and scroll down until you see Screen Time. Tap on it and follow the prompts to set it up. Once enabled, you will have access to the app and website activity feature.

Can I set different limits for different apps?

Yes, you can set different limits for different apps using the app limits feature in Screen Time. To do this, go to Settings, tap on Screen Time, and then select App Limits. From there, you can choose the specific apps you want to limit and set the desired time limits for each app. This allows you to prioritize your time and prevent excessive app usage on certain apps.

Is it possible to track app usage on multiple devices?

Yes, it is possible to track app usage on multiple devices if they are all linked to the same Apple ID. When you enable Screen Time on one device, it will sync the app and website activity data across all devices sharing the same Apple ID. This allows you to have a comprehensive view of your app usage across all your devices.

Can I customize the app and website activity view?

Yes, you can customize the app and website activity view in Screen Time. By tapping on the “App and Website Activity” option in the Screen Time menu, you can delve deeper into your app usage data and make informed decisions about your screen time habits. This allows you to see detailed information about your app usage and make any necessary adjustments to your usage patterns.

How can I reset the app usage data?

To reset the app usage data in Screen Time, go to the Settings app, tap on Screen Time, and then scroll down to find the “Clear Usage Data” option. By tapping on this option, you can reset all the app and website activity data, allowing you to start fresh with tracking your app usage. Keep in mind that resetting the app usage data will remove all previous data and start tracking from that moment onwards.


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