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How to Share Your Passes and Tickets from Your Apple Wallet

Sharing boarding passes and tickets from your Apple Wallet is a quick and easy process that allows you to conveniently transfer them to others. Whether you want to send your boarding pass to a friend or share a ticket with a family member, the Wallet application on your iPhone makes it simple to do so.

Being able to share these digital passes and tickets is important for several reasons. Firstly, it eliminates the need for printing physical copies, reducing paper waste and promoting eco-friendly practices. Additionally, sharing these items digitally allows for seamless communication and coordination with fellow travelers or event attendees.

The process of sharing a boarding pass or ticket from your Apple Wallet is straightforward. After locating the desired pass or ticket within the Wallet app, you can tap the share button at the top right corner of the screen. From there, you have the option to send it via iMessage or air drop it to someone else.

Rest assured, sharing your boarding passes and tickets from your Apple Wallet is a promise of a quick and easy method. By following a few simple steps, you can effortlessly transfer these digital assets and ensure a smooth experience for yourself and those you are sharing with.

Accessing Your Wallet Application

To share your boarding passes and tickets from your Apple Wallet, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your wallet application on your iPhone.
  2. Locate the specific ticket or option you want to share.
  3. Tap on the share button at the top right corner of the screen.

Once you tap the share button, a page will appear with different sharing options. You can choose to send the ticket via iMessage or even air drop it to someone else.

Sharing your boarding passes and tickets is made easy with the user-friendly interface of the Wallet app. You can quickly find the desired item, eliminating the need for physical copies and promoting eco-friendly practices.

Whether you’re sending a boarding pass to a friend or sharing a ticket with a family member, the Wallet app ensures a seamless experience for both the sender and receiver. By following these simple steps, you can effortlessly transfer your digital assets and coordinate with fellow travelers or event attendees.

Sharing via iMessage

Sharing your boarding passes and tickets from your Apple Wallet is a breeze when using iMessage. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Click on the ‘Share’ button located at the top right corner of your screen.
  2. Select the option to share via iMessage.
  3. Enter the recipient’s name in the message field.

With just a few taps, you can send your tickets and boarding passes to your friends, family, or anyone else through iMessage. It’s incredibly simple!

By sharing via iMessage, you can quickly send your digital assets to others without the need for printing physical copies. This not only saves paper but also promotes environmentally-friendly practices.

Whether you’re coordinating plans with fellow travelers or sharing event tickets with friends, the convenience of sharing via iMessage ensures a smooth experience for everyone involved.

So, next time you need to share your boarding pass or ticket from your Apple Wallet, give iMessage a try. You’ll be impressed by how hassle-free it is!

Sharing via AirDrop

Another convenient way to share your boarding passes and tickets from your Apple Wallet is through AirDrop. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Tap on the ‘Share’ button located at the top right corner of your screen.
  2. From the sharing options, choose the option to AirDrop the ticket.

AirDrop offers versatility when it comes to sharing digital assets. Not only can you share boarding passes and tickets, but you can also share other types of files, photos, and even contact information. It’s a seamless way to transfer information between Apple devices.

One of the great benefits of AirDrop is that it allows you to share with nearby devices. This means that you don’t need an internet connection or even a cellular network to share your tickets. As long as the recipient is in close proximity, you can easily send the ticket directly to their device.

Next time you need to share your boarding pass or ticket from your Apple Wallet, consider using AirDrop. It’s a convenient and efficient way to transfer digital assets and ensure a smooth experience for both parties involved.

Additional Sharing Options

In addition to sharing via iMessage and AirDrop, there are even more methods available to share your boarding passes and tickets from your Apple Wallet. These options provide compatibility with various devices and offer versatility for different types of information.

When sharing your digital assets, you can also consider the following methods:

  • Email: Sending your boarding passes and tickets via email is a convenient way to share with recipients who may not have Apple devices or who prefer receiving information through email.
  • Social Media: Many social media platforms now offer the ability to share files and documents. You can easily share your boarding passes or tickets with friends and family through platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or even Instagram Direct.
  • Cloud Storage: If you prefer to store your digital assets in the cloud, you can upload your boarding passes and tickets to platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox and share the link with others. This method allows for easy access and eliminates the need for file attachments.

These additional sharing options expand the convenience and accessibility of sharing your digital assets from your Apple Wallet. Whether you’re sharing with someone who uses a different device or prefer a certain method of communication, there is a sharing option available to suit your needs.

It’s worth noting that with the iOS 17.2 update, Apple has expanded the sharing capabilities of the Wallet app. This update introduces new features and improvements, making it even easier to share your boarding passes and tickets with others.

So next time you need to share your boarding pass or ticket, consider these additional sharing options for a seamless and efficient sharing experience.


Sharing your boarding passes and tickets from your Apple Wallet is a quick and easy process that offers numerous benefits. By summarizing the process, encouraging engagement, and expressing appreciation, you can make the most of this sharing feature.

Summarizing the process, all you need to do is open your Wallet application, locate the desired pass or ticket, and tap the share button. From there, you can choose to send it via iMessage or AirDrop. It’s a straightforward process that eliminates the need for physical copies and promotes eco-friendly practices.

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Can I share my boarding pass with someone who doesn’t have an iPhone?

No, unfortunately, sharing boarding passes and tickets from your Apple Wallet is limited to Apple devices. The sharing options, such as iMessage and AirDrop, are exclusive to iOS devices.

Is it possible to share multiple tickets at once?

Yes, you can share multiple tickets at once from your Apple Wallet. Simply select all the tickets you want to share and follow the same steps to access the sharing options.

What other information can I share from my Apple Wallet?

In addition to boarding passes and tickets, you can also share other types of passes and cards stored in your Apple Wallet. This includes loyalty cards, gift cards, event tickets, and more.

Are there any limitations to sharing via iMessage or AirDrop?

While sharing via iMessage and AirDrop is convenient, there are a few limitations to keep in mind. Both options require the recipient to have an Apple device and be in close proximity for AirDrop. Additionally, sharing via iMessage requires an internet connection.

Will these sharing options work on older iOS versions?

The ability to share boarding passes and tickets from your Apple Wallet may vary depending on your iOS version. However, as long as you have a relatively recent iOS version, you should be able to access the sharing options mentioned in this blog.



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