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How to Block Someone on Tik Tok Without Viewing Their Profile

Blocking someone on TikTok without viewing their profile is a quick and easy process that allows you to maintain your privacy while still taking control of your social media experience. By blocking someone, you can prevent them from interacting with you or viewing your content. This is especially important if you want to avoid any unnecessary drama or harassment.

It’s crucial to be able to block someone without viewing their profile for several reasons. Firstly, it saves you time and effort by eliminating the need to visit their profile before blocking them. This way, you can immediately take action without giving them any indication that you’ve checked their profile.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with a brief overview of the steps involved in blocking someone on TikTok without having to view their profile. We’ll also discuss how to disable profile views temporarily so that the person you’re blocking remains unaware of your previous visits to their profile.

These steps can be easily followed on both iPhones and Android devices, making it accessible to a wide range of TikTok users. Whether you’re using the latest iPhone or an Android phone, you can confidently block someone without viewing their profile.

Disabling Profile Views

If you want to block someone on TikTok without viewing their profile, you can easily disable profile views. By doing so, the person you’re blocking will remain unaware of your previous visits to their profile. Here’s how you can do it:

Accessing the TikTok app

To begin, open the TikTok app on your iPhone or Android device. Make sure you have the latest version of the app installed.

Tapping on the profile icon

Next, tap on the profile icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will take you to your TikTok profile.

Locating the profile view history toggle

At the top right corner of the screen, you’ll see two small icons resembling feet. Tap on these icons to access the settings menu.

Turning off profile view history

Once you’re in the settings menu, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner of the screen. This will open the TikTok settings. Look for the option to toggle off the profile view history and tap on it.

Explanation of the purpose of this step

By disabling profile view history, TikTok will no longer show that you have visited someone’s profile. This is crucial in blocking someone without giving them any indication that you’ve viewed their profile.

Now that you have disabled profile view history, you can go to the specific profile of the person you want to block without them knowing. Once you have blocked them, you can always enable profile views again without any trace of your previous visits to their profile.

Remember, blocking someone on TikTok without viewing their profile allows you to maintain your privacy and take control of your social media experience. It’s a simple yet effective way to avoid unnecessary drama or harassment on the platform.

Blocking the User

If you want to block someone on TikTok without viewing their profile, you can easily follow these steps. By blocking someone, you can prevent them from interacting with you or viewing your content, helping you maintain your privacy and control your social media experience.

Navigating to the specific profile page

To block someone, you’ll need to go to their specific profile page. Open the TikTok app on your iPhone or Android device and tap on the profile icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will take you to your TikTok profile.

Selecting the share button

Once you’re on your profile, navigate to the profile of the person you want to block. Tap on the share button located at the top right corner of their profile page.

Tapping on the block option

After tapping on the share button, a menu will appear. From this menu, select the block option. By doing this, you will block the user from interacting with you or viewing your content.

Connection between disabling profile views and blocking

It’s important to note that you need to disable profile views before blocking the user. By disabling profile views, the person you’re blocking will remain unaware of your previous visits to their profile. This step ensures that they won’t know you’ve viewed their profile before taking action.

How the user will not be notified of the profile visit

Once you have disabled profile views and blocked the user, they will not be notified of your profile visit. This allows you to block someone without giving them any indication that you’ve viewed their profile, maintaining your privacy and avoiding any unnecessary drama or harassment.

Enabling Profile Views

If you have disabled profile views on TikTok, you can easily re-enable them. Enabling profile views allows you to see who has visited your profile and provides several benefits:

Returning to the home screen

To begin, navigate back to the home screen of the TikTok app on your iPhone or Android device. This is where you’ll start when accessing the profile icon again.

Accessing the profile icon again

Next, tap on the profile icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will take you to your TikTok profile.

Locating the profile view history toggle

At the top right corner of the screen, you’ll see two small icons resembling feet. Tap on these icons to access the settings menu.

Turning on profile view history

Once you’re in the settings menu, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner of the screen. This will open the TikTok settings. Look for the option to toggle on the profile view history and tap on it.

Explanation of the benefits of re-enabling profile views

By re-enabling profile views, you can see who has visited your profile. This can be helpful in understanding your audience and connecting with other TikTok users. It also allows you to keep track of any potential followers or fans who may be interested in your content.

Re-enabling profile views on TikTok is a simple process that can provide valuable insights into your TikTok presence. By knowing who has visited your profile, you can better understand your audience and engage with them more effectively.


In conclusion, blocking someone on TikTok without viewing their profile is a simple and efficient process that allows you to maintain your privacy and control your social media experience. By following a few easy steps, you can prevent someone from interacting with you or viewing your content.

To recap, here are the steps discussed in this guide:

  • Disable profile views by accessing the settings menu and turning off the profile view history toggle.
  • Navigate to the specific profile page of the person you want to block.
  • Tap on the share button and select the block option.
  • Re-enable profile views by accessing the settings menu and turning on the profile view history toggle.

It’s important to reiterate the significance of blocking someone without viewing their profile. By doing so, you save time and effort by eliminating the need to visit their profile before taking action. This way, you can block someone immediately without giving them any indication that you’ve checked their profile.

Remember to subscribe for more helpful content like this. By subscribing, you’ll stay updated on the latest tips and tricks for navigating social media platforms like TikTok.

In conclusion, blocking someone on TikTok without viewing their profile is a valuable tool for maintaining your privacy and ensuring a positive social media experience. By implementing the steps discussed in this guide, you can confidently block someone without any hassle or drama.


Can this method be used on both iOS and Android devices?

Yes, this method can be used on both iOS and Android devices. Whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone, you can easily block someone on TikTok without viewing their profile.

Is there any way to block someone without disabling profile views?

No, unfortunately, there is no way to block someone on TikTok without disabling profile views. Disabling profile views ensures that the person you’re blocking remains unaware of your previous visits to their profile.

Will the blocked user be able to see my previous profile visits?

No, by disabling profile view history, TikTok will not show that you have visited someone’s profile. This means that once you have blocked them, they will not be able to see your previous profile visits.

Can I unblock a user after blocking them without them knowing?

Yes, you can unblock a user after blocking them without them knowing. Once you have blocked someone, you can always go back to their profile, tap on the share button, and select the unblock option. They will not be notified of the unblock action.

What happens if I block someone and then enable profile views?

If you block someone and then enable profile views, they will not be able to see your previous profile visits. Enabling profile views again will only show them your future profile visits, not the ones that occurred before you blocked them.



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