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How to Block Junk Mail on Your iPhone

Welcome to our tutorial on how to block junk mail on your iPhone! If you’re tired of receiving unwanted emails cluttering your inbox, you’re in the right place. We’ll show you just how quick and easy it is to put an end to the constant bombardment of junk mail.

Before we begin, it’s important to note that we’ll be using the default mail app on the iPhone for this tutorial. However, if you prefer to use a different mail client, such as the Gmail app, the process will be similar. So, feel free to adapt the steps to suit your preferred mail client.

Our goal in this tutorial is to empower you with the knowledge to block unwanted contacts and filter junk mail effectively. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have full control over your mailbox, ensuring that only the emails you want to see make it to your inbox.

Blocking a Contact

If you’re tired of receiving unwanted emails from a specific contact, you can easily block them on your iPhone. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Mail app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on the name of the contact in the email.
  3. Select the option to block the contact.

When you choose to block a contact, you will see a confirmation prompt asking if you are sure you want to block the contact. Tap “Yes” to proceed with blocking.

Once you have successfully blocked a contact, there will be a visual indication in the Mail app. At the top of the email, you will see a message that says “This sender is in your block list.” Additionally, there will be a circle around the contact’s name with a line through it, indicating that they have been blocked.

Alternatively, you can also block a sender by swiping left on an email and selecting the “Block Sender” option. This is a quicker way to block a contact without going through the entire process.

It’s important to note that the actions taken when blocking a contact may vary depending on your settings. To customize your blocking options, go to Settings, scroll down to Mail, and tap on it. Scroll to the bottom and you will find the “Block Sender Options.” Here, you can choose to mark the blocked sender and decide whether to leave their messages in your inbox or move them to trash.

By blocking unwanted contacts, you can take full control over your mailbox and ensure that only the emails you want to see make it to your inbox.

Alternate Methods

If you’re looking for alternative methods to block junk mail on your iPhone, there are a few options you can try:

Swipe left on the email to reveal more options

One quick and convenient way to block a sender is by swiping left on the email. This will reveal additional options, including the “Block Sender” option. By selecting this option, you can instantly block the sender without going through the entire process of opening the email and tapping on the contact’s name.

Choose to block the sender directly

Another method is to directly block the sender from within the email itself. By tapping on the name of the contact in the email, you will have the option to block the sender. A confirmation prompt will appear, asking if you are sure you want to block the contact. Simply tap “Yes” to proceed with blocking.

Move the email to the junk folder

If you don’t want to block the sender completely, you can choose to move the email to the junk folder. This option allows you to filter unwanted emails into a separate folder, keeping your inbox clutter-free. By selecting the “Move to Junk” option when swiping left on the email, the email will automatically be filtered into the junk folder.

Automatic filtering of emails into the junk folder

It’s important to note that the default mail app on the iPhone has a built-in feature that automatically filters certain emails into the junk folder. This feature uses advanced algorithms to detect and categorize potential junk or spam emails. By regularly checking your junk folder, you can ensure that any unwanted emails are properly filtered and prevent them from cluttering your inbox.

Actions may vary based on individual settings

Lastly, it’s essential to understand that the actions taken when blocking a contact or moving an email to the junk folder may vary depending on your individual settings. To customize your blocking options and how your mail app interacts with blocked senders, you can navigate to the Settings app, scroll down to Mail, and tap on it. From there, you can access the “Block Sender Options” and adjust the settings according to your preferences.

By utilizing these alternate methods, you can effectively block junk mail on your iPhone and regain control over your mailbox. Whether you prefer to block senders directly, move emails to the junk folder, or customize your settings, these options provide flexibility and convenience in managing unwanted emails.

Customizing Block Sender Options

If you want to customize the actions taken when blocking a contact or moving an email to the junk folder, you can do so in the settings of your iPhone. Here’s how:

  1. Open the settings on your iPhone.
  2. Navigate to the Mail section and tap on it.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom to find the “Block Sender Options”.
  4. Here, you will see the option to mark the blocked sender. By turning this on, emails from blocked senders will be marked as blocked.
  5. Next, you can choose whether to leave the blocked sender’s messages in your inbox or move them to trash. If you want to keep them in your inbox, leave the option as is. If you prefer to have them automatically moved to trash, select the “Move to Trash” option.

By customizing these options, you can have more control over how your mail app interacts with blocked senders.


To summarize, blocking junk mail on your iPhone is a quick and easy process. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can take control of your mailbox and ensure that only the emails you want to see make it to your inbox.

First, you can block a specific contact by opening the Mail app, tapping on the contact’s name in the email, and selecting the option to block the contact. Alternatively, you can swipe left on an email and choose the “Block Sender” option.

There are also alternative methods for blocking junk mail, such as swiping left on an email to reveal more options and selecting “Block Sender,” or choosing to move the email to the junk folder.

It’s important to note that the default mail app on the iPhone has automatic filtering features that can help detect and categorize potential junk or spam emails. By regularly checking your junk folder, you can ensure that any unwanted emails are properly filtered.

To customize your blocking options and how your mail app interacts with blocked senders, you can navigate to the Settings app, scroll down to Mail, and adjust the “Block Sender Options.”

By taking advantage of these options, you can block unwanted contacts, filter junk mail, and regain control over your mailbox. Enjoy a clutter-free inbox and a more streamlined email experience.

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to make the most out of your iPhone!


Can I block multiple contacts at once?

Unfortunately, the default mail app on the iPhone does not have a feature to block multiple contacts at once. You will need to block each contact individually.

Will blocked contacts know that they have been blocked?

No, blocked contacts will not receive any notification or indication that they have been blocked. They will simply not be able to send you emails.

Can I unblock a contact later?

Yes, you can unblock a contact at any time. To unblock a contact, go to the Settings app, scroll down to Mail, tap on it, and then tap on “Blocked Senders.” From there, you can locate the blocked contact and tap on “Unblock” to remove them from your block list.

What happens to emails from blocked senders in the junk folder?

Emails from blocked senders that are in the junk folder will remain in the junk folder. By default, the mail app will not move them to trash automatically. However, you have the option to customize this behavior in the settings. You can choose to either leave the messages in your inbox or move them to trash.

Are there any other methods to block junk mail on iPhone?

Yes, there are alternative methods to block junk mail on your iPhone. You can swipe left on an email to reveal more options and select “Block Sender.” You can also choose to move the email to the junk folder. Additionally, the default mail app has automatic filtering features that can detect and categorize potential junk or spam emails.



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