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How to Block People from Seeing Your Friends on Facebook

Blocking people from seeing your friends on Facebook is a quick and easy process that can be done on various platforms. By implementing a few simple steps, you can ensure the privacy of your friends list and prevent unwanted individuals from accessing it. This not only enhances your online security but also protects the privacy of your connections.

Explanation of the Topic

When you block people from seeing your friends on Facebook, you are essentially restricting their access to view the list of individuals you are connected with on the platform. This feature allows you to maintain control over your privacy and prevent potential privacy breaches.

Brief Mention of the Ease of the Process

The process of blocking people from seeing your friends on Facebook is convenient and does not require extensive technical knowledge. It can be easily done through the Facebook app on your smartphone or via the website on your computer.

Platforms that Can Be Used

Whether you are using an iPhone, an Android device, or a computer, you can follow the same steps to block people from seeing your friends on Facebook. The process is accessible across various platforms, making it easy for anyone to implement.

Steps to Be Covered

The steps involved in blocking people from seeing your friends on Facebook include navigating to the settings, accessing the audience and visibility options, and specifically modifying the privacy settings related to your friends list. By following these steps, you can customize who can view your friends list.

Suggesting the Benefit of Implementing the Steps

By implementing these steps, you can ensure that only trusted friends have access to your connections on Facebook. This helps protect your privacy, prevent potential stalking or unwanted attention, and maintain a sense of control over your social network. Blocking people from seeing your friends on Facebook allows you to have a more secure and private online experience.

Step 1: Open the Facebook App

To begin the process of blocking people from seeing your friends on Facebook, you will first need to open the Facebook app. The app is compatible with both Android devices and computers, ensuring accessibility across various platforms.

If you are using an Android phone, simply locate the Facebook app on your device and open it. For computer users, you can access Facebook by going to in your web browser.

By opening the Facebook app or visiting the website, you will gain access to your account and be able to navigate to the necessary settings.

If you do not have the Facebook app installed on your smartphone or prefer to use the website, you can still follow the same steps by going to

Step 2: Access the Settings

In order to block people from seeing your friends on Facebook, you will need to access the settings. Here’s how:

Open the Facebook App

To start, open the Facebook app on your smartphone or visit on your computer.

Locate the Settings Icon

Once you’re in the app or on the website, tap on the menu icon at the bottom right. Then, tap on the gear icon at the top right to access the settings.

Navigate to ‘Audience and Visibility’

Scroll down in the settings menu until you find the ‘Audience and Visibility’ section. Tap on it to proceed.

‘How People Find and Contact You’

Within the ‘Audience and Visibility’ section, you will see various options. Tap on ‘How people find and contact you’ to continue.

Note: It’s important to go to this section because it specifically addresses the visibility of your friends list.

‘Who Can See Your Friends List’

In this section, you will find the option ‘Who can see your friends list’. By default, your friends control who can see your friendships on their own timelines.

If you want to block specific people from seeing your friends list or make it completely private, tap on ‘See All’ and choose ‘Only Me’.

This means that no one else will be able to see who you are friends with on Facebook. Only you will have access to this information.

Keep in mind that your friends will still be able to see their own friends list.

By following these steps, you can customize your privacy settings on Facebook and control who can see your friends list.

Step 3: Control Your Friends List Visibility

Now that you have learned how to block people from seeing your friends on Facebook, it’s important to take control of your friends list visibility. By doing so, you can further enhance your privacy and ensure that only trusted friends have access to your connections on the platform.

Purpose of This Step

The purpose of this step is to customize who can see your friends list and prevent unwanted individuals from viewing it. By adjusting your privacy settings, you can maintain a sense of control over your social network.

Option to Control Visibility

Within the “Audience and Visibility” section, you will find the option “Who can see your friends list”. By default, your friends control who can see your friendships on their own timelines. However, you have the power to modify this setting according to your preferences.

Impact of Friends’ Control

If you allow your friends to control the visibility of your friends list, it means that their friends will also have access to view it. This may not align with your privacy preferences, especially if you want to restrict access to a select group of people.

Suggest Setting it to ‘Friends’

To maintain a higher level of privacy, it is recommended to set the visibility of your friends list to ‘Friends’. This means that only your friends will be able to see the list of individuals you are connected with on Facebook.

Make the List Completely Private

If you want to make your friends list completely private, you can choose the option ‘Only Me’. This ensures that no one else, including your friends, will be able to see who you are friends with on Facebook. Only you will have access to this information.

It’s important to note that while you can control who sees your friends list, your friends will still be able to see their own friends list.

By following these steps to control your friends list visibility, you can have a more secure and private online experience on Facebook.


In conclusion, blocking people from seeing your friends on Facebook is a simple process that can be done on various platforms. By following these steps, you can ensure the privacy of your friends list and prevent unwanted individuals from accessing it.

To summarize, the steps covered in this guide include:

  • Opening the Facebook app or visiting the website
  • Accessing the settings
  • Navigating to the “Audience and Visibility” section
  • Modifying the “Who can see your friends list” privacy setting

By implementing these steps, you can benefit in the following ways:

  • Enhanced online security
  • Protection of your privacy and connections
  • Prevention of potential stalking or unwanted attention
  • Maintaining control over your social network

We strive to provide you with valuable tips and tricks to enhance your online experience.

Thank you for reading, and remember to prioritize your privacy and security while using social media platforms like Facebook. Stay safe!


Can I block specific people from seeing my friends list?

Yes, you can block specific people from seeing your friends list on Facebook. By modifying your privacy settings, you can customize who has access to view your connections on the platform. This allows you to maintain control over your privacy and prevent unwanted individuals from accessing your friends list.

How can I make my friends list completely private?

To make your friends list completely private on Facebook, you can choose the option ‘Only Me’ in the privacy settings. This ensures that no one else, including your friends, will be able to see who you are friends with on the platform. Only you will have access to this information, enhancing your privacy and security.

Will my friends still be able to see my friends list?

Yes, your friends will still be able to see their own friends list on Facebook. Modifying the privacy settings of your friends list only affects who can view your list of connections. Your friends will still have control over the visibility of their own friends list.

Can I undo the changes and make my friends list visible again?

Yes, you can undo the changes and make your friends list visible again on Facebook. Simply go back to the privacy settings and modify the option ‘Who can see your friends list’. By selecting a different visibility option, such as ‘Friends’, you can allow certain individuals to view your friends list.

Do the steps apply to both the Facebook app and website?

Yes, the steps mentioned in this guide apply to both the Facebook app and website. Whether you are using the Facebook app on your smartphone or accessing the website on your computer, you can follow the same process to block people from seeing your friends list and customize your privacy settings.



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