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How to Block People from Seeing Your Instagram Post

Are you looking for a quick and easy method to block certain people from seeing your Instagram posts? Well, you’re in luck! Controlling who can view your posts is an important aspect of maintaining your privacy on social media platforms. In this section, we will provide you with an overview of different options to block specific people from accessing your Instagram content, and we promise to guide you through the process step by step.

Option 1: Controlling Audience

When it comes to blocking certain people from seeing your Instagram posts, you have the option to control your audience. Let’s take a look at how you can do this.

Explaining the first option available on the last page of a post

Once you reach the last page of creating your Instagram post, you’ll see an option called “Audience.” Tap on that to proceed.

Choice between sharing the post with everyone or just close friends

You’ll be presented with two choices. The first is to share your post with everyone, including all of your followers. The second option is to share it only with your close friends.

Limitation of close friends option to only 100 people

It’s important to note that the close friends option has a limitation – it can only include up to 100 people. If you have more than 100 followers, the post will not be visible to everyone else.

Demonstration of unchecking specific people to block their access

If you want to block specific individuals from seeing your post, simply uncheck their names from the list. By doing this, they will be unable to access that specific post.

Highlighting the importance of hitting ‘Done’ at the bottom

Once you have made your selection and unchecked any necessary names, don’t forget to hit ‘Done’ at the bottom of the page. This ensures that your choices are saved and implemented.

Option 2: Making Your Account Private

If you want to take more control over who can see your Instagram posts, you have the option to make your account private. Let’s walk through the steps to do this.

Navigating to the profile settings for the second option

To access the settings for making your account private, start by tapping on your profile icon at the bottom right corner of the Instagram app. Then, tap on the three lines at the top right corner of the screen to open the menu.

Choosing the ‘Account Privacy’ option under ‘Settings and Privacy’

From the menu, scroll down and tap on ‘Settings and Privacy’. Then, find and tap on ‘Account Privacy’.

Explanation of toggling the account to private

Once you’re in the ‘Account Privacy’ settings, you’ll see an option to toggle your account to private. By turning this option on, you will restrict access to your posts and information to only your approved followers.

Emphasizing the importance of unfollowing or removing followers

However, it’s essential to note that making your account private doesn’t automatically remove followers you already have. To ensure complete privacy, it’s recommended to unfollow or remove any followers whom you don’t want to grant access to your posts.

Clarification on the privacy of posts and information

Once your account is private, only the people you approve to follow you will be able to see your posts, stories, and other content. Additionally, your profile information, such as your bio and profile picture, will only be visible to your approved followers.

Option 3: Restricting Specific People

If you want to have more control over the interactions certain people have with your Instagram posts, you can choose to restrict them. Let’s go through the steps on how to do this.

Returning to the profile and accessing the three dots menu

To restrict a specific person, go to their profile and tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen.

Selecting the option to ‘Restrict’ the person

From the menu, select the option to ‘Restrict’. This will limit the visibility of their interactions with your posts and messages.

Explanation of the restriction feature and its benefits

When you restrict someone, they will still be able to see your posts and profile, but their comments on your posts and their messages will not be visible to the public. This feature allows you to have more control over your online interactions.

Clarification on the visibility of posts and messages

By restricting someone, their comments on your posts will only be visible to them and you. This means that other users who view your posts will not see their comments. Additionally, any messages they send you will only be visible to you.

Highlighting the ability to unrestrict someone

If you ever change your mind or want to allow someone to have full visibility of their interactions again, you can easily unrestrict them. Simply go to their profile and select the option to unrestrict.


Now that we’ve explored the three different options to block people from seeing your Instagram posts, it’s time to try them out and find the best fit for your needs.

The first option, controlling your audience, allows you to choose who can see your posts. You can share them with everyone, only your close friends, or even uncheck specific individuals to block their access.

If you want more control over who can see your posts, you can make your account private. This restricts access to your posts and information to only your approved followers. Just remember to unfollow or remove any followers you don’t want to grant access to.

Lastly, if you want to have more control over the interactions certain people have with your posts, you can choose to restrict them. This feature limits the visibility of their comments and messages on your posts.

We encourage you to try out these methods and see which one works best for you. Remember to hit the ‘Done’ button when making your selections and make any necessary changes to your privacy settings.

We appreciate your support and thank you for Reading!


What happens if I block someone from seeing my Instagram post?

If you block someone from seeing your Instagram post, they will be unable to access that specific post. They will not be able to view, like, comment, or share it.

Can a blocked person still see my other posts?

No, a blocked person cannot see any of your posts. When you block someone, they lose access to all your content, including your other posts.

How do I unblock someone on Instagram?

To unblock someone on Instagram, go to your profile and tap on the three lines at the top right corner. Then, go to Settings and Privacy > Privacy > Blocked Accounts. Find the person you want to unblock and tap Unblock next to their name.

How many close friends can I select to share my post with?

You can select up to 100 close friends to share your post with. However, if you have more than 100 followers, the post will not be visible to everyone else.

Can I restrict multiple people on Instagram?

Yes, you can restrict multiple people on Instagram. Simply go to their profile, tap on the three dots at the top right corner, and select the option to restrict them. This feature allows you to have more control over the interactions certain people have with your posts.



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