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Are you looking to control who can see your Snapchat story? In this quick and easy guide, we’ll show you how to block everyone from seeing your Snapchat story. Whether you’re an iPhone or Android user, these steps are applicable to both platforms.

Controlling who can see your Snapchat story is important for maintaining your privacy and ensuring that only the people you want can view your content. By following these simple steps, you can easily restrict access to your story and have peace of mind knowing that your snaps are only visible to a select group of people.

Step 1: Open Snapchat App

To begin blocking everyone from seeing your Snapchat story, open the Snapchat app on your iPhone. Android users can follow the same steps on their devices.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have the Snapchat app installed on your device. If you don’t, you can download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.

It’s also crucial to have the latest version of the Snapchat app installed for optimal functionality. Make sure to update the app if you haven’t done so recently.

Step 2: Create and Share a Video

Now that you have opened the Snapchat app, it’s time to create a video and share it on your Snapchat story. Creating a video is a great way to share a moment or capture something interesting to share with your friends.

The Snapchat app makes it incredibly simple to capture a video. All you have to do is tap and hold the circular capture button at the bottom center of the screen. Once you’ve recorded your video, you can release the button to stop recording.

After capturing your video, you have the option to add filters or effects to enhance your content. Simply swipe left or right on the screen to access the various filters and effects that Snapchat has to offer. These filters and effects can add a creative touch to your video and make it more engaging for your viewers.

Before sharing your video on your Snapchat story, it’s important to review it. This allows you to ensure that the video is exactly how you want it before it gets shared with your friends. Take a moment to watch the video playback and make any necessary edits or adjustments.

Once you’re satisfied with your video, it’s time to share it on your Snapchat story. Tap the blue arrow icon at the bottom right corner of the screen to access the sharing options. From there, select “My Story” to add the video to your story. This will make the video visible to all your friends who can view your story.

Remember, your Snapchat story is a great way to share moments with your friends, so make sure to create and share videos that you enjoy and want to showcase to your audience. Have fun capturing and sharing your videos on Snapchat!

Step 3: Access Story Settings

Once you have created and shared a video on your Snapchat story, it’s important to understand how to access the story settings to control who can view your content.

Guide users to locate the ‘Stories’ section in the app

To access the story settings, start by opening the Snapchat app on your iPhone or Android device. From the main screen, swipe to the right or tap on the square icon at the bottom center of the screen to access the ‘Stories’ section.

Explain the different visibility options for your story

In the ‘Stories’ section, you will see different visibility options for your story. The default option is ‘My Public Story’, which makes your story visible to everyone on Snapchat. The second option is ‘My Story’, which only allows your friends to view your story.

Highlight the significance of ‘Trevor’s private story’ option

If you want to block everyone from seeing your Snapchat story, tap on ‘Trevor’s private story’. This option allows you to create a private story that only specific friends can view. You can add friends to this private story and they will see the snaps when viewing your story. However, they won’t see duplicates if you add the snaps to both your private and public stories.

Clarify the purpose of avoiding duplicates if adding snaps to multiple stories

It’s important to avoid duplicates when adding snaps to multiple stories. This means that if you have already added a snap to your private story, you should avoid adding it to your public story as well. This ensures that your friends who can view your private story won’t see the same snap again when viewing your public story.

By understanding and utilizing these story settings, you can have full control over who can view your Snapchat story and maintain your privacy. Remember to regularly review and update your settings to ensure that your story is being shared with the intended audience.

Step 4: Adjust Story Viewers

Now that you have created your Snapchat story, it’s time to adjust the viewers and control who can see your content. This step is crucial for maintaining your privacy and ensuring that only the people you want can view your story.

Selecting Viewers for Your Private Story

To select viewers for your private story, tap on ‘Trevor’s private story’ in the ‘Stories’ section. This option allows you to create a private story that only specific friends can view. When you add friends to this private story, they will see the snaps when viewing your story. However, they won’t see duplicates if you add the snaps to both your private and public stories.

Removing All Viewers for Complete Privacy

If you want complete privacy and block everyone from seeing your Snapchat story, you can remove all viewers. Simply deselect or unselect every single person in the ‘Story Details’ section and hit save. By doing this, you will ensure that no one has access to view your story.

Customizing Viewers by Selecting Specific People

If you prefer to customize the viewers of your story by selecting specific people, you can do so in the ‘Story Details’ section. Select the people that you want to be able to see your story and hit save. This way, only the selected individuals will have access to view your content.

Saving the Changes

After adjusting the viewers of your story, it’s important to save the changes. Tap on the save button to ensure that your settings are updated and your privacy preferences are applied. Remember to regularly review and update your viewers to maintain control over who can see your Snapchat story.


To summarize the steps to block everyone from seeing your Snapchat story, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Open the Snapchat app on your iPhone or Android device.
  2. Create and share a video on your Snapchat story.
  3. Access the story settings by swiping to the right or tapping on the square icon at the bottom center of the screen.
  4. Tap on ‘Trevor’s private story’ to create a private story that only specific friends can view.
  5. Select viewers for your private story or remove all viewers for complete privacy.
  6. Customize the viewers by selecting specific people in the ‘Story Details’ section.
  7. Save the changes to ensure your privacy preferences are applied.

Remember, the flexibility to modify the viewers of your Snapchat story allows you to control who can see your content. Take advantage of this feature and experiment with different privacy settings to find what works best for you.

Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our website for more helpful content on Snapchat and other topics. We’re here to assist you in making the most of your social media experience!


Here are some commonly asked questions about controlling who can see your Snapchat story:

Can I change the viewers for my Snapchat story after posting it?

No, once you have posted your Snapchat story, you cannot change the viewers. It’s important to review and adjust the viewers before sharing your story to ensure that only the intended audience can see it.

What happens if I add someone to both ‘My Story’ and ‘Trevor’s private story’?

If you add someone to both ‘My Story’ and ‘Trevor’s private story’, they will see the snaps from both stories. However, they won’t see duplicates of the same snap. It’s important to avoid adding duplicates to ensure a seamless viewing experience for your selected audience.

How can I undo the changes and make my story visible to everyone?

To make your story visible to everyone, go to the ‘Story Details’ section and select ‘My Public Story’. This option will make your story visible to everyone on Snapchat.

Is it possible to hide my Snapchat story from specific individuals?

Yes, you can hide your Snapchat story from specific individuals by removing them from the viewers’ list in the ‘Story Details’ section. Simply deselect or unselect the individuals you want to hide your story from.

Are the steps different for Snapchat on Android devices?

No, the steps for controlling who can see your Snapchat story are the same for both iPhone and Android devices. The Snapchat app functions similarly on both platforms, allowing you to easily adjust your story viewers.


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