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How to Block Emails on Your iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

Blocking unwanted emails is an important task for maintaining a clutter-free inbox and protecting yourself from spam and unwanted solicitations. Fortunately, the process is quick and easy, allowing you to regain control over your email communications. In this tutorial, we will focus on the mail app on iPhone, guiding you through the steps to block unwanted emails and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

Importance of Blocking Unwanted Emails

Blocking unwanted emails ensures that you only receive messages from trusted senders, reducing the risk of falling victim to phishing scams or fraud attempts. By blocking unwanted emails, you can prevent your inbox from getting overwhelmed with irrelevant or unsolicited messages, allowing you to focus on the emails that matter most.

Ease and Quickness of the Process

With just a few taps, you can block unwanted emails on your iPhone, saving you time and frustration. The mail app provides a simple and straightforward method to block specific senders, making it convenient for anyone to take control of their inbox.

Benefits of Blocking Emails

Blocking emails offers several benefits, including:

  • Reduced clutter: By blocking unwanted emails, your inbox becomes cleaner and more organized, allowing you to find important messages more easily.
  • Improved productivity: Without distractions from unwanted emails, you can focus better on your tasks and improve your overall productivity.
  • Enhanced security: Blocking unwanted emails helps protect you from phishing attempts and potential cybersecurity threats.

Step 1: Open the Mail App

Before you can start blocking unwanted emails on your iPhone, you’ll need to open the Mail app. Here’s how:

  1. Locate the Mail app on your iPhone’s home screen. The icon looks like an envelope with a blue background.
  2. Tap on the Mail app icon to open it.

If you are using a different mail app, such as Gmail or Yahoo, you’ll need to navigate to that specific app instead.

It is important to open the specific mail app for this tutorial because the steps to block unwanted emails may vary depending on the app you are using. By opening the Mail app, we can guide you through the process specifically for this app.

Additionally, it is crucial to have the unwanted emails from the sender you wish to block in your inbox. This way, you can easily identify and block the specific sender. If you have already deleted the unwanted emails, you may need to wait for new emails from the sender before proceeding with the blocking process.

Step 2: Locate the Unwanted Email

To begin blocking unwanted emails on your iPhone, you first need to identify the specific email in your inbox. Here’s how:

  • Open the Mail app on your iPhone’s home screen.
  • Scroll through your inbox and locate the unwanted email. It may be helpful to look for any emails from senders you wish to block.
  • Tap on the email to access further options.

By tapping on the email, you can gain more information about the sender and take necessary actions to block them.

Specifically, you can tap on the sender’s name or email address to view their contact card. This contact card provides you with additional options, including the ability to block the sender.

The convenience of tapping on the sender’s name or email address allows you to swiftly navigate through the blocking process without any hassle.

Remember, it’s crucial to locate the unwanted email in order to take the appropriate steps to block the specific sender. If you have already deleted the email, you may need to wait for new emails from the sender before proceeding with the blocking process.

Step 3: Block the Sender

To effectively block unwanted emails on your iPhone, you need to take the necessary steps to block the specific sender. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Mail app on your iPhone and locate the unwanted email in your inbox.
  2. Tap on the sender’s name or email address to access their contact card. This will provide you with additional options.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the contact card and tap on the option to “Block this Contact”.

By selecting the option to block the sender, you are preventing any future emails from that specific email address from reaching your inbox.

It’s important to note that when you block a sender, any emails from that sender will automatically be marked as “Read” and moved to your trash folder. Therefore, you won’t see them in your inbox anymore.

Keep in mind that blocking a contact may also affect other aspects of your device, such as call blocking if the contact is associated with a phone number.

Once you have successfully blocked a sender, you will receive a visual indication. A red circle with a line through it will appear next to the blocked sender’s name or email address. This serves as a confirmation that the sender has been successfully blocked.

To access your entire block list, you can tap on “Settings” from the contact card. Here, you can view and manage all the contacts you have blocked, including email addresses and phone numbers.

Remember, blocking a sender is an effective way to prevent unwanted emails from cluttering your inbox, but it’s important to use this feature wisely and avoid blocking legitimate contacts.

Step 4: Managing the Block List

If you want to manage the block list on your iPhone, you can easily access it through the settings. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Mail app on your iPhone and locate the blocked email in your inbox.
  2. Tap on the sender’s name or email address to access their contact card.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the contact card and tap on the option to “Block this Contact”.
  4. After blocking the contact, tap on “Settings” from the contact card.

By tapping on “Settings”, you will be directed to a list of all the contacts you have blocked. This list includes both email addresses and phone numbers.

It’s important to periodically review and manage your block list to ensure that you have blocked the right contacts and to remove any contacts that you no longer wish to block. By doing so, you can maintain an effective block list and keep your inbox free from unwanted emails and calls.

Remember, blocking a contact is a useful feature to prevent unwanted emails and calls, but it’s important to use it wisely and avoid blocking legitimate contacts. Always review and manage your block list with care.


In conclusion, blocking unwanted emails on your iPhone is a quick and easy process that offers numerous benefits. By blocking specific senders, you can maintain a clutter-free inbox, protect yourself from spam and phishing attempts, and improve your overall productivity. Taking control of your inbox by blocking unwanted senders allows you to focus on the emails that matter most and enhances the security of your device.

We hope this step-by-step guide has been helpful in assisting you with blocking unwanted emails on your iPhone. Remember to use this feature wisely and avoid blocking legitimate contacts. Periodically reviewing and managing your block list is essential to ensure you have blocked the right contacts and to remove any contacts you no longer wish to block.

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Can I unblock a sender after blocking them?

Yes, you can unblock a sender after blocking them. To unblock a sender, you can access your block list through the settings in your Mail app. From there, you can locate the email address or phone number that you have blocked and remove it from your block list. Once unblocked, you will start receiving emails from that sender again.

Will blocking a sender delete their previous emails?

No, blocking a sender will not delete their previous emails. When you block a sender, any emails from that sender will be automatically marked as “Read” and moved to your trash folder. However, they will still be accessible in the trash folder unless you manually delete them.

Does blocking a sender prevent them from contacting me through other means?

No, blocking a sender only prevents them from sending emails to your inbox. It does not prevent them from contacting you through other means, such as phone calls or text messages. If you want to block a sender completely, you may need to take additional steps to block them on other platforms or communication channels.

Can I block multiple senders at once?

No, the blocking feature on the iPhone Mail app does not allow you to block multiple senders at once. You will need to block each sender individually by accessing their contact card and selecting the option to block the contact.

What should I do if I accidentally block a sender?

If you accidentally block a sender, you can easily unblock them by accessing your block list through the settings in your Mail app. Locate the email address or phone number of the sender that you accidentally blocked and remove it from your block list. After unblocking, you will start receiving emails from that sender again.


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