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How to Block Apps from Being Downloaded on Your iPhone

Are you looking to block apps from being downloaded on your iPhone? Luckily, it’s a quick and easy process! In this article, we will walk you through the steps to block apps on your iPhone, ensuring that only the apps you approve can be downloaded. To get started, you can follow the instructions provided in this link. By blocking apps, you can have more control over what apps are installed on your device, especially if you want to prevent others from downloading apps without your permission. Let’s dive into the steps to block apps on your iPhone!

Step 1: Accessing Screen Time Settings

To begin blocking apps from being downloaded on your iPhone, you need to access the Screen Time settings. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap on the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on ‘Screen Time’.

By accessing the Screen Time feature, you gain more control over what apps are installed on your device. This is especially useful if you want to prevent others from downloading apps without your permission.

Once you are in the Screen Time settings, scroll to the bottom and tap on ‘Lock Screen Time Settings’. Here, you will set a password that only you know, ensuring that no one else can make changes to the app download settings.

Now that you have successfully accessed the Screen Time settings, you are ready to proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Setting a Password

Now that you have accessed the Screen Time settings, it is important to set a password to ensure the security of your device. Setting a password allows you to prevent others from making changes to the app download settings without your permission.

To set a password, follow these simple steps:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Screen Time settings page.
  2. Tap on ‘Lock Screen Time Settings’.
  3. Choose a strong and unique password that only you know.

When setting a password, it is essential to choose one that is not easily guessable. Avoid using common passwords such as your birthdate or “123456”. Instead, create a password that includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

By setting a strong and unique password, you can ensure that others will not be able to guess it and gain access to the app download settings on your iPhone.

Step 3: Enabling Content and Privacy Restrictions

Now that you have set a password, the next step is to enable content and privacy restrictions on your iPhone. Enabling these restrictions allows you to have more control over what can be accessed and downloaded on your device. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Tap on the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on ‘Screen Time’.
  3. Scroll down again and tap on ‘Content & Privacy Restrictions’.
  4. Toggle the switch next to ‘Content & Privacy Restrictions’ to enable it.

By enabling content and privacy restrictions, you can prevent unauthorized access to certain content and features on your iPhone, including app installations.

Now that you have enabled content and privacy restrictions, it’s important to pay attention to the ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’ settings. This is where you can further customize the restrictions related to app installations.

To access the ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’ settings, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on ‘Content & Privacy Restrictions’.
  2. Tap on ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’.

Within the ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’ settings, you will find options to allow or disallow various actions, such as installing apps. To prevent app installations, simply switch the ‘Installing Apps’ option to ‘Don’t Allow’.

It’s important to note that any changes made to these settings require the previously set password for verification. This ensures that only authorized individuals can modify the app download settings.

By enabling content and privacy restrictions and customizing the ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’ settings, you can effectively prevent app installations on your iPhone without your permission.

Step 4: Disabling App Installations

Now that you have enabled content and privacy restrictions, it’s important to disable app installations to have full control over what can be downloaded on your iPhone. Disabling app installations ensures that only the apps you approve can be downloaded, preventing unauthorized downloads. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Tap on ‘Content & Privacy Restrictions’ in the Screen Time settings.
  2. Tap on ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’.

Within the ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’ settings, you will find the option to control app installations. By default, it is set to ‘Allow’, which means anyone can install apps on your device. To disable app installations, simply switch the ‘Installing Apps’ option to ‘Don’t Allow’.

By choosing ‘Don’t Allow’, you ensure that no one can install new apps on your iPhone without your permission. This is especially useful if you want to prevent others, such as children or unauthorized users, from downloading apps without your knowledge.

It’s important to note that any changes made to these settings require the previously set password for verification. This ensures that only authorized individuals can modify the app download settings.

With app installations disabled, you can have peace of mind knowing that only the apps you approve can be downloaded on your iPhone. This gives you more control over the content and functionality of your device.

Remember to regularly review and update your content and privacy restrictions to ensure that they align with your preferences and needs.


Blocking apps from being downloaded on your iPhone is an important step to ensure the security and control of your device. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can have peace of mind knowing that only the apps you approve can be downloaded.

It is crucial to remember the importance of setting a strong and unique password to prevent unauthorized access to the app download settings. Avoid using common passwords and choose a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Enabling content and privacy restrictions provides you with more control over what can be accessed and downloaded on your iPhone. By customizing the ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’ settings, you can further restrict app installations.

Remember to regularly review and update your content and privacy restrictions to ensure that they align with your preferences and needs. By applying these steps, you can enhance the security and control of your iPhone.

Take charge of your iPhone’s app installations and enjoy a safer and tailored experience. Start blocking apps today!


Can I change the password for screen time settings?

Yes, you can change the password for screen time settings. Simply go to the Screen Time settings, scroll to the bottom, and tap on ‘Lock Screen Time Settings’. From there, you can set a new password.

Will blocking app installations affect existing apps on my iPhone?

No, blocking app installations will not affect the existing apps on your iPhone. It only prevents new apps from being downloaded or installed.

What happens if I forget the password?

If you forget the password, you will need to reset the Screen Time settings. This will remove any restrictions and allow app installations again. However, keep in mind that this will also remove any other customized settings you have set.

Can I allow specific apps to be installed while blocking others?

Yes, you can allow specific apps to be installed while blocking others. In the ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’ settings, you can customize the restrictions for app installations. By switching the ‘Installing Apps’ option to ‘Don’t Allow’, you can prevent all apps from being installed. However, you can also add specific apps to the ‘Always Allow’ list to allow them to be installed.

Is it possible to block app installations on other Apple devices?

Yes, it is possible to block app installations on other Apple devices. The steps may vary slightly depending on the device, but the general process is the same. Access the Screen Time settings, set a password, enable content and privacy restrictions, and customize the ‘iTunes & App Store Purchases’ settings to block app installations.



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