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How to Block a Facebook Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to block a Facebook account but not sure how to go about it? Don’t worry, it’s actually a quick and easy process that you can do right from your phone. Whether you’re an iPhone or Android user, this tutorial is applicable to both.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of blocking a Facebook account, ensuring that you have complete control over who can see your posts, tag you, invite you to events, and more. By blocking someone, you can even unfriend them if you’re already connected on Facebook.

To get started, simply open up the Facebook app on your phone and follow the instructions below. For more detailed instructions, you can check out this helpful article on

Blocking an Account from a Facebook Post

Blocking a Facebook account that you no longer wish to interact with is a simple process that can be done right from your phone using the Facebook app. Whether you’re using an iPhone or an Android device, the steps are the same. Follow the guide below to block an account from a Facebook post.

Step 1: Open the Facebook App

To begin, open the Facebook app on your phone. Ensure that you are logged into your account.

Step 2: Find a Post and Select a Profile to Block

Scroll through your Facebook feed and find a post from the account that you want to block. Tap on the profile of the account to open their profile page.

Step 3: Tap on the Three Dots and Select ‘Block’

On the profile page, tap on the three dots located at the top right corner of the screen. A menu will appear with several options. Select the ‘Block’ option.

Step 4: Understand the Consequences of Blocking the Account

Once you tap on ‘Block’, a confirmation message will appear explaining the consequences of blocking the account. Blocking an account means that the person will no longer be able to see your posts, tag you, invite you to events, or start a conversation with you. Additionally, by blocking the account, you will also unfriend them if you were previously connected on Facebook.

Step 5: Confirm and Block the Account

If you still want to proceed with blocking the account, tap on the ‘Block’ button. The account will now be blocked, and the person will no longer have access to your profile and activities on Facebook.

It’s important to note that blocking an account is a permanent action, and the blocked person will not be notified that they have been blocked. However, it’s worth mentioning that you can always choose to unblock the account in the future if you decide to reconnect or communicate with them again.

That’s it! Now you know how to block an account from a Facebook post. By following these steps, you can have better control over your Facebook experience, ensuring that only the people you want to interact with have access to your profile and activities.

Adding an Account to Your Block List

If you want to add a specific person to your block list on Facebook, here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Tap on the Menu at the Bottom Right

To begin, open the Facebook app on your phone and tap on the menu icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. It looks like three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.

Step 2: Access the Settings Menu

In the menu, scroll down until you find the gear icon. This is the settings menu. Tap on it to access the settings options.

Step 3: Navigate to the ‘Blocking’ Section

Within the settings menu, keep scrolling down until you reach the section called “Blocking.” Tap on it to open the blocking settings.

Step 4: View and Manage the Blocked Accounts

Once you’re in the blocking settings, you’ll be able to see a list of all the accounts you have previously blocked. This list includes the names of the blocked accounts. You can scroll through the list to view and manage these blocked accounts.

Step 5: Add a Specific Person to the Block List

To add a specific person to your block list, tap on the “Add to Block List” option in the blocking settings. A text box will appear where you can start typing the name of the person you want to block. In this case, let’s use the name “Ethan.”

As you type, Facebook will suggest names from your friends list or people you have interacted with. Tap on the correct name when it appears in the suggestions, and a blue box will appear next to it to indicate that the person will be added to your block list.

That’s it! You have successfully added a specific person to your block list on Facebook. Now, that person will no longer be able to see your posts, tag you, invite you to events, start a conversation with you, or add you as a friend. Remember, you can always choose to unblock the account in the future if you decide to reconnect or communicate with them again.

Unblocking a Blocked Account

If you have previously blocked a Facebook account and now wish to unblock it, you have the option to do so. Follow these steps to unblock a blocked account:

Step 1: Access the ‘Blocking’ Section

To begin, open the Facebook app on your phone and tap on the menu icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. Then, scroll down and tap on the gear icon to access the settings menu.

Within the settings menu, continue scrolling down until you reach the section labeled “Blocking.” Tap on it to open the blocking settings.

Step 2: Find and Select the Blocked Account

Once you’re in the blocking settings, you will see a list of all the accounts you have previously blocked. This list includes the names of the blocked accounts. Scroll through the list to find the account you want to unblock.

Tap on the name of the blocked account to select it. This will open a new page with information about the blocked account.

Step 3: Unblock the Account

To unblock the account, simply tap on the “Unblock” option on the page of the blocked account. A confirmation message will appear, asking if you are sure you want to unblock the account.

Confirm your decision by tapping on the “Unblock” button. The account will now be unblocked, and the person will regain access to your profile and activities on Facebook.

Consequences of Unblocking the Account

It’s important to note that unblocking an account means that the person will be able to see your posts, tag you, invite you to events, start a conversation with you, or add you as a friend again. Additionally, if you were previously connected on Facebook, unblocking the account will also restore the friendship.

Keep in mind that unblocking an account does not send a notification to the person. They will only know that they have been unblocked if they try to interact with your profile.

Now that you know how to unblock a blocked account on Facebook, you can easily manage your blocked list and control who can access your profile and activities on the platform.


To summarize, blocking and unblocking a Facebook account is a simple process that can be done right from your phone using the Facebook app. To block an account from a Facebook post, open the app, find the post, tap on the profile, tap on the three dots, select ‘Block’, and confirm the action. To add an account to your block list, tap on the menu, access the settings, navigate to the ‘Blocking’ section, view and manage the blocked accounts, and add a specific person to the block list. To unblock a blocked account, access the ‘Blocking’ section in settings, find and select the blocked account, and tap on ‘Unblock’. Keep in mind the consequences of unblocking an account, as they will regain access to your profile and activities on Facebook.

If you found this tutorial helpful, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more helpful tutorials like this. We appreciate your support and look forward to providing you with more useful information in the future.

For more detailed instructions on blocking and unblocking a Facebook account, visit our website at


Here are some frequently asked questions about blocking a Facebook account:

Can I block multiple accounts at once?

No, you can only block one account at a time. If you want to block multiple accounts, you will need to repeat the blocking process for each account individually.

Will the blocked account be notified?

No, the blocked account will not be notified when you block them. However, they may realize they have been blocked if they try to interact with your profile and are unable to do so.

Can a blocked account still message me?

No, a blocked account cannot message you. When you block an account, they lose the ability to start a conversation with you or send you any messages.

Can I block an account without unfriending them?

No, when you block an account, it also unfriends them if you were previously connected on Facebook. Blocking and unfriending happen simultaneously.

How can I remove someone from my block list?

To remove someone from your block list, you can go to the blocking settings in the Facebook app. Scroll through the list of blocked accounts and tap on the unblock option next to the account you want to remove from the block list.

That’s it for the FAQ section! If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to help.


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