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HOW TO: Get Paid $7 Per Song Just By Listening To Music (I Tried It) Make Money Online

Are you intrigued by the popular trend of getting paid to listen to music on YouTube? You’ve probably seen those videos claiming you can make money just by enjoying your favorite songs. Well, today we’re here to test and review two of the most popular methods to see if they actually work. Throughout this blog, we’ll highlight the steps and share our experiences so you don’t have to waste your time trying it out yourself.

The purpose of this blog is to save you time by learning from someone else’s experience. We’ll provide an overview of the methods and share our insights on whether they’re worth your while. So, let’s dive in and discover if you can really get paid to listen to music!

First, we’ll explore an app called Current Rewards, also known as Mode Earn on Android. This app offers various ways to earn money, including listening to music. We’ll walk you through the steps and share our results. Then, we’ll move on to the second method, which involves uploading royalty-free music files to a website called Mixkit and getting paid when others download them. We’ll discuss the process and our findings.

By following along with our experiences, you’ll gain valuable insights into whether these methods are worth your time and effort. So, let’s save you some time and find out if you can really make money by listening to music on YouTube!


Table of Contents


Method 1: Current Rewards App

Are you intrigued by the popular trend of getting paid to listen to music? One method that claims to offer this opportunity is the Current Rewards app, also known as Mode Earn on Android. In this section, we will explore the features of the app, discuss the different ways to earn money through it, and share our personal experience with using it.

Introduction to the Current Rewards App and its Features

The Current Rewards app is a platform that allows users to earn money through various activities, including listening to music. It boasts over 100,000 different radio stations featuring popular artists, ensuring a wide range of music options for users.

Explaining the Different Ways to Earn Money through the App

While the app offers multiple ways to earn money, our focus will be on the music listening feature. By actively listening to music, users can accumulate points, which can later be redeemed for gift cards or physical products like headphones or smartwatches. The more music you listen to, the more points you generate.

Emphasizing the Focus on Earning through Listening to Music

The Current Rewards app places a strong emphasis on earning money through music listening. Users have access to a wide variety of radio stations and genres, including popular artists like Inception, Jaen Car, Erica Campbell, J Moss, and Tamela Mann. This ensures an enjoyable music experience while earning points.

Highlighting the Process of Activating Rewards and Earning Points

To begin earning money through music listening, users need to activate the rewards feature by inviting three friends to join the app. Additional points can be earned by completing tasks like verifying your email address or adding personal details like your name or address.

Sharing Personal Experience of Listening to Music and Accumulating Points

After activating the rewards feature, users can start accumulating points by listening to their chosen radio stations. Personal experience with the app revealed that after approximately 1.5 hours of listening, about 487 points were earned. This indicates that points can be accumulated relatively quickly.

Revealing the High Point Requirements for Redeeming PayPal Gift Cards

While earning points may be relatively fast, redeeming PayPal gift cards requires a substantial number of points. For example, a $6 PayPal gift card requires 13,500 points, while a $10 gift card requires 20,000 points. These high point requirements may make it challenging to reach desired goals.

Exploring the Option of Accumulating Points through Continuous Background Listening

One interesting feature of the Current Rewards app is the ability to accumulate points through continuous background listening. This means that users can listen to music at a low volume while engaging in other activities, allowing for a passive way to earn points.

Discussing the Issue of Earning being Disabled due to Inactivity

A potential downside of the app is the issue of earning being disabled due to inactivity. After a certain period of inactivity, users may need to watch an ad to reactivate their earning potential. However, there may be instances where no ads are available, preventing further earning.

Sharing the Disappointment of not being able to Reach the Desired Point Goals

Despite actively using the app and accumulating points, reaching the high point requirements for PayPal gift card redemption may prove challenging. Personal experience revealed a slow accumulation of points, making it difficult to achieve the desired goals within a reasonable timeframe.

Mentioning User Reviews and Potential Variations on Different Devices

Reviews from other users indicate mixed experiences with the Current Rewards app. Some users reported difficulties with receiving payments or delays in payment confirmation. Additionally, there were suggestions that the app may work better on Android devices compared to iPhones. It is important to consider these factors when deciding to use the app.

Concluding that this Method did not Work in the Author’s Experience

Based on personal experience and the challenges faced in accumulating enough points to redeem PayPal gift cards, it can be concluded that the Current Rewards app may not be an effective method for earning money through music listening. However, individual experiences may vary, and it may be worth exploring alternative methods or platforms.

Method 2: Mixkit and Up-Forever

Another method that claims to offer the opportunity to get paid for listening to music is through Mixkit and Up-Forever. In this section, we will explore these platforms and discuss how they can be used to earn money through music downloads.

Introduction to Mixkit as a Source of Free Music Assets

Mixkit is a website that provides users with access to a wide variety of royalty-free music assets. These assets can be used for personal or commercial projects without the need to pay any licensing fees. It offers a diverse range of genres, including hip hop, acoustic, corporate, funk, R&B, jazz, rock, and trap.

Explanation of How Mixkit is Used to Find and Download Music

To find and download music from Mixkit, users need to visit the website and navigate to the music section. From there, they can explore different genres and listen to the available tracks. Once they find a song they like, they can download it for free and use it in their projects.

Introducing Up-Forever as the Platform for Earning Money through Music Downloads

Up-Forever is a website that allows users to earn money by uploading their own music files and getting paid when others download them. It acts as a marketplace for music downloads, where creators can monetize their work.

Discussing the Concept of Getting Paid for Having Others Download Uploaded Music

The concept behind Up-Forever is that users can earn money by having others download the music files they upload. Each download generates a payment, which can vary depending on the country of the downloader. This means that users are not directly paid for listening to music themselves, but rather for sharing their music with others.

Sharing the Author’s Concern about the Red Flags Associated with this Method

It is important to note that this method comes with some red flags. While it may seem like an easy way to make money, there is no guarantee that users will receive downloads or payments. It relies on other people being interested in the uploaded music and choosing to download it.

Explaining the Process of Signing Up and Setting Up Payment Information

To get started with Up-Forever, users need to sign up for an account on their website. The sign-up process is relatively easy and requires basic information. Once signed up, users can set up their payment information, choosing from a variety of options such as PayPal, Payoneer, or bank transfer.

Highlighting the Steps of Uploading Music Files and Making Them Available for Download

After setting up the payment information, users can proceed to upload their music files onto Up-Forever. It is important to provide accurate information about the song name and artist. Users can also select whether the files should be public or private. Making them public allows anyone to see and download the files.

Sharing Personal Experience of not Receiving any Downloads or Payment

While the concept of earning money through music downloads may sound promising, it is crucial to manage expectations. In the author’s personal experience, no downloads or payments were received after uploading the music files. This highlights the uncertainty and potential challenges of this method.

Mentioning the Suggestion of Promoting Downloads through Facebook Music Groups

Some individuals suggest promoting music downloads through Facebook music groups as a way to increase the chances of getting downloads and earning money. This involves sharing the links to the uploaded files in relevant music communities on Facebook.

Inviting Readers to Try the Method and Share Their Experiences

Despite the author’s lack of success with this method, it is important to remember that individual experiences may vary. Readers are encouraged to try the method themselves and share their experiences and insights in the comments section. This will provide a broader perspective on the effectiveness of this method.

Concluding that this Method Did Not Work in the Author’s Experience

Based on the author’s personal experience and the challenges faced in receiving downloads and payments, it can be concluded that the Mixkit and Up-Forever method may not be a reliable way to earn money through music downloads. However, it is always worth exploring and testing different methods to find what works best for individual circumstances.

Comparison and Analysis

Now that we have explored both methods of getting paid to listen to music, let’s summarize our experiences and analyze the results. It’s important to consider different factors when evaluating these methods.

Summarizing the Experiences and Results

In our first method, using the Current Rewards app, we found that it is possible to earn points by listening to music. However, the high point requirements for redeeming PayPal gift cards make it challenging to reach desired goals. The app may work better on Android devices compared to iPhones, as suggested by user reviews. Overall, it did not prove to be an effective method for earning money through music listening.

In the second method, using Mixkit and Up-Forever, we discovered that while it is possible to upload music files and potentially earn money when others download them, our personal experience did not yield any downloads or payments. It is important to note that there is no guarantee of receiving downloads or payments, and it may require additional efforts such as promoting the downloads through Facebook music groups.

Common Issues and Red Flags

Both methods presented common issues and red flags that should be considered. In the Current Rewards app, there were reports of difficulties receiving payments or delays in payment confirmation. Additionally, the issue of earning being disabled due to inactivity, with no available ads to reactivate earning, was a potential downside. With Mixkit and Up-Forever, the uncertainty of receiving downloads and payments is a significant red flag.

Importance of User Reviews and Variations on Devices

When evaluating these methods, it is crucial to consider user reviews and variations on different devices. User reviews can provide insights into the experiences of others and potential issues they encountered. Additionally, it is worth noting that some users reported better experiences on Android devices compared to iPhones. Taking these factors into account can help make an informed decision.

Potential for Success with Different Strategies and Approaches

While our experiences did not result in success, it is important to remember that individual experiences may vary. Some users may find success with these methods by implementing different strategies and approaches. For example, promoting music downloads through Facebook music groups may increase the chances of getting downloads and earning money. Exploring alternative methods or platforms is also encouraged.

Sharing Thoughts and Experiences

We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with these methods. If you have tried any of them, please share your insights in the comments section. Your experiences will provide a broader perspective on the effectiveness of these methods and help others make informed decisions.

While getting paid to listen to music may seem like an appealing opportunity, it is essential to approach it with caution and realistic expectations. The methods we tested may not have worked for us, but that doesn’t mean they won’t work for others. It is always worth exploring and testing different methods to find what works best for individual circumstances.


After thoroughly testing two popular methods of getting paid to listen to music, it is clear that these methods may not be as effective as they claim. While the Current Rewards app offers the opportunity to earn points by listening to music, the high point requirements for redeeming PayPal gift cards make it challenging to reach desired goals. Additionally, there may be difficulties in receiving payments or delays in payment confirmation, as reported by some users.

Similarly, the method of uploading music files to Mixkit and Up-Forever did not yield any downloads or payments in the author’s experience. While it is possible that promoting the downloads through Facebook music groups may increase the chances of earning money, there is no guarantee of success. It is important to approach this method with caution and manage expectations.

It is crucial to emphasize the importance of skepticism and research when exploring opportunities to get paid for listening to music. While these methods may work for some individuals, it is evident that individual experiences may vary. User reviews and feedback can provide valuable insights into potential issues and variations on different devices.

Despite the disappointment of not finding a successful way to get paid to listen to music, it is important to remain open-minded and continue exploring alternative methods or platforms. Each individual may have different strategies and approaches that work best for their circumstances. Sharing thoughts and experiences can contribute to a broader understanding of the effectiveness of these methods.

Finally, the author expresses gratitude to the audience for watching and supporting the channel. Reader feedback and engagement are highly encouraged, as they provide valuable perspectives and contribute to the collective knowledge on this topic.


Can you really get paid to listen to music?

While there are claims that you can get paid to listen to music, the effectiveness of these methods may vary. It’s important to approach these opportunities with skepticism and realistic expectations.

Are there any legitimate ways to earn money by listening to music?

Some platforms and apps offer the opportunity to earn money by listening to music, such as the Current Rewards app. However, it’s important to consider the challenges and potential limitations, such as high point requirements for redeeming rewards.

What are some alternative methods to explore?

If the methods mentioned in this blog do not work for you, there are alternative methods to explore. These may include participating in music research studies, becoming a music reviewer, or joining music streaming platforms that offer monetization options for artists.

How can I avoid scams and red flags when trying to earn money online?

To avoid scams and red flags when trying to earn money online, it’s important to research and read reviews from other users. Look for legitimate platforms with positive user feedback and clear payment processes. Be cautious of opportunities that promise high earnings with little effort.

What other factors should I consider when choosing methods to make money online?

When choosing methods to make money online, consider factors such as payment methods, earning potential, time investment required, and your personal interests or expertise. It’s also important to consider the platform’s reputation and legitimacy to ensure a safe and reliable experience.


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