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How to Block Gambling Sites and Apps on Your Phone

Welcome to this guide on how to block gambling sites and apps on your phone. In today’s digital age, it is becoming increasingly important to control our online habits, especially when it comes to gambling. Whether you’re trying to avoid temptation or help someone else overcome a gambling addiction, blocking access to these sites and apps can be a game-changer.

In this Blog, we will show you a quick and easy method to block gambling sites and apps on your phone. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can regain control over your online activities and create a healthier digital environment.

By utilizing the built-in features of your phone’s settings, you can effectively restrict access to gambling apps and websites. We will guide you through the process, ensuring that only you have the power to make changes and preventing unauthorized downloads or visits to gambling-related content.

So, if you’re ready to take control and block gambling sites and apps on your phone, keep watching the video for the detailed instructions. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Setting up Screen Time Password

Before you can block gambling sites and apps on your phone, you’ll need to set up a screen time password. This password will prevent unauthorized access to the settings and ensure that only you have the power to make changes.

To access the settings on your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the settings on your phone.
  2. Scroll down to find the “Screen Time” option.
  3. Tap on “Screen Time” to enter the screen time settings.

Once you’re in the screen time settings, you’ll need to set a strong password. It’s important to choose a password that nobody else will be able to guess, as knowing this password would allow someone to change the settings and access gambling apps or websites. Here’s how to set up a screen time password:

  1. Tap on “Set Screen Time Passcode.”
  2. Follow the prompts to create a secure password.

Remember to choose a password that is unique and not easily guessable. Avoid using common passwords or personal information that others may know.

By setting up a screen time password, you’ll have control over the access to gambling apps and websites on your phone. This will help you avoid temptation and create a healthier digital environment.

Step 2: Blocking App Installations

Now that you have set up a screen time password, it’s time to take the next step and block app installations on your phone. By disabling the ability to download new apps, you can further prevent access to gambling-related content.

Accessing content and privacy restrictions in screen time settings

To begin, you will need to access the content and privacy restrictions within the screen time settings. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the settings on your phone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Screen Time”.
  3. Tap on “Content & Privacy Restrictions”.

Explanation of iTunes and app store purchases

Within the content and privacy restrictions, you will find the option to control iTunes and app store purchases. This is where you can disable app installations:

  1. Tap on “iTunes & App Store Purchases”.

Instructions for disabling app installations

Once you are in the iTunes and app store purchases settings, you will see the option to control app installations. Here’s how to disable them:

  1. Tap on “Installing Apps”.
  2. Switch the toggle to “Don’t Allow”.

By choosing “Don’t Allow”, you are effectively preventing anyone from downloading and installing new apps on your phone without the screen time password.

Reasons for deleting existing gambling apps

It’s important to note that disabling app installations will not automatically remove any existing gambling apps from your phone. To ensure a complete block on gambling-related content, it is recommended to delete any existing gambling apps that may be on your phone. This way, there will be no temptations or loopholes for accessing gambling sites or apps.

Now that you have disabled app installations and understand the importance of removing existing gambling apps, you have taken significant steps towards blocking gambling sites and apps on your phone. With these restrictions in place, you can create a healthier digital environment and regain control over your online activities. Keep watching the video for more instructions on blocking gambling sites, and stay tuned for additional tips on maintaining a responsible online presence.

Step 3: Restricting Web Content

Now that you have set up a screen time password and blocked app installations, it’s time to take the final step and restrict web content on your phone. By limiting access to specific websites or blocking adult content, you can further prevent access to gambling sites and create a safer online environment.

Navigating to content restrictions in screen time settings

To begin, you will need to access the content restrictions within the screen time settings. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the settings on your phone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Screen Time”.
  3. Tap on “Content & Privacy Restrictions”.

Explanation of the web content option

Within the content and privacy restrictions, you will find the “Web Content” option. This is where you can control access to websites:

  1. Tap on “Web Content”.

Choosing between limiting adult websites or specific allowed websites

Once you are in the web content settings, you will have the option to choose between limiting adult websites or allowing specific websites. Here’s a breakdown of each option:

  • Limit Adult Websites: By choosing this option, your phone will automatically filter out websites with adult content, including most gambling sites. This is a good option if you want a general restriction on adult content.
  • Allowed Websites Only: By choosing this option, you can manually add specific websites that you want to allow. Any websites not on this list will be blocked. This is a more customizable option if you want to have control over the exact websites that can be accessed.

Instructions for manually adding gambling sites to the restricted list

If you choose the “Allowed Websites Only” option, you will need to manually add gambling sites to the restricted list. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Tap on “Add Website” under the “Never Allow” section.
  2. Enter the URL of the gambling site you want to block.
  3. Tap on “Done” to save the changes.

Repeat these steps for each gambling site you want to block. This will ensure that these sites are not accessible on your phone.

By restricting web content, whether through filtering adult websites or allowing only specific websites, you can add an extra layer of protection against gambling sites and apps. With these settings in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that access to gambling-related content is limited on your phone.

Now that you have completed all the necessary steps, you have successfully blocked gambling sites and apps on your phone. By utilizing the screen time settings and content restrictions, you have taken control over your online habits and created a healthier digital environment. Remember to regularly review and update these settings as needed to maintain a responsible online presence.


In conclusion, blocking gambling sites and apps on your phone is a straightforward process that can be done using the built-in settings. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can regain control over your online activities and create a healthier digital environment.

To recap, here are the steps involved in blocking gambling sites and apps:

  1. Set up a screen time password to prevent unauthorized access to the settings.
  2. Disable app installations to prevent the download of new gambling apps.
  3. Restrict web content by limiting access to gambling sites or allowing only specific websites.

By implementing these restrictions, you can effectively block access to gambling-related content and reduce the temptation to engage in harmful online activities.

It is important to emphasize the effectiveness of this method. By setting up a screen time password and blocking app installations, you can ensure that only you have the power to make changes to your phone’s settings. This adds an extra layer of security and control over your online habits.

If you found this guide helpful, be sure to subscribe for more helpful content. We regularly provide tips and advice on maintaining a responsible online presence and creating a healthier digital lifestyle.

Thank you for reading, and we invite you to watch the next Blogs for more informative content. Take control of your online habits and create a safer digital environment today!


Here are some frequently asked questions about blocking gambling sites and apps on your phone:

1. Can this method be used on both iOS and Android devices?

No, this method specifically applies to iOS devices. The process may be different for Android devices.

2. Will blocking gambling sites and apps affect other website and app access?

No, blocking gambling sites and apps will only affect the specific websites and apps that you choose to block. Other websites and apps will not be affected.

3. What if someone already knows the screen time password?

If someone already knows the screen time password, they would be able to change the settings and potentially access gambling apps and websites. It’s important to choose a strong password that nobody else will be able to guess.

4. Can the blocked websites and apps be unblocked later?

Yes, the blocked websites and apps can be unblocked later. You can easily adjust the settings to allow access to specific websites and apps if needed.

5. Are there any alternative methods to block gambling sites and apps?

Yes, there are alternative methods to block gambling sites and apps. Some internet service providers offer parental control features that can be used to block access to specific websites and apps. Additionally, there are third-party apps and software available that specialize in blocking gambling sites and apps.



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