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How to Check Your AirPods Battery Health: A Quick and Easy Guide

Checking the battery health of your AirPods is a quick and easy process that is important to ensure optimal performance. By knowing the battery health, you can track if it’s running down too quickly or if the case is not charging them correctly. There are a few different options available to check the battery health.

Option 1: Using the AirPods Case

One of the easiest ways to check the battery health of your AirPods is by opening the case. Once you open the case, you’ll notice a small light inside. This light serves as an indicator of the battery health.

Understanding the Light Colors

  • If the light flashes green, it means that your AirPods have a strong battery.
  • If the light flashes amber, it indicates that the battery is running low.
  • If the light flashes red, it means that the battery is completely drained.

In addition to the light indicator, opening the case also displays the battery level on the device you have your AirPods connected to. This provides an extra level of convenience, as you can quickly check the battery level without having to open the case.

This option is incredibly convenient, as you can check the battery health of your AirPods just by opening the case. This eliminates the need for any additional steps or widgets.

Option 2: Adding a Battery Widget

If you prefer to have a dedicated battery widget for your AirPods, there is an easy way to add it to your device. Here’s how you can access the widget editing menu and add a battery widget:

  1. Swipe to the right on your device’s home screen to access the widget editing menu.
  2. Tap on the “Edit” button located at the top of the screen.
  3. Scroll down until you find the “Battery” widget.
  4. Tap on the green “+” button next to the “Battery” widget to add it to your widget lineup.
  5. Once added, you can drag and drop the widget to your preferred location on the home screen.

By adding the battery widget, you can easily monitor the battery health of your AirPods without having to open the case. The widget displays the exact percentage of battery life for both the AirPods and the case. This allows you to quickly check if your AirPods are fully charged or if the case needs to be recharged.

Having a dedicated battery widget offers several benefits:

  • Convenience: You can view the battery health of your AirPods at a glance without the need to open the case or go through additional steps.
  • Quick Monitoring: With the widget on your home screen, you can easily track the battery level of your AirPods throughout the day, ensuring that they are always ready for use.
  • Battery Health Awareness: The widget provides valuable information about the overall health of your AirPods’ battery. This way, you can identify any potential issues such as a battery running down too quickly or a case that is not charging properly.

By adding the battery widget to your device, you have a convenient way to monitor the battery health of your AirPods and ensure optimal performance.

Option 3: Checking in the Settings

If you’re unable to check the battery health of your AirPods using the case or adding a battery widget, don’t worry! There is another option available to you. You can check the battery health of your AirPods by accessing the settings on your device.

Opening the Settings

To begin, open the settings app on your device. This can typically be found on your home screen or in the app drawer, depending on the type of device you have.

Finding the AirPods Settings

Once you have the settings app open, scroll down and look for the “Bluetooth” option. Tap on “Bluetooth” to access the Bluetooth settings.

In the Bluetooth settings, you should see a list of devices that are currently connected to your device. Look for your AirPods in the list and tap on them.

Viewing the Battery Health

After tapping on your AirPods in the Bluetooth settings, you will be taken to the specific AirPods settings page. Here, you will find information about your AirPods, including the battery health.

On this page, you should see the battery percentage for both the AirPods themselves and the case. This will give you an accurate reading of the battery health and allow you to monitor if it’s running down too quickly or if the case is not charging them correctly.

Checking Bluetooth Settings

If you’re unable to find the AirPods settings in the Bluetooth settings, don’t worry. Sometimes, depending on the device and its operating system, the AirPods settings may be located in a different section.

If this is the case, go back to the main settings menu and look for an option called “Connected Devices” or “Devices and Connections.” Tap on this option to access the connected devices settings.

Within the connected devices settings, you should see a list of devices that are connected to your device. Look for your AirPods in the list and tap on them to access the specific AirPods settings page.

Once you are on the AirPods settings page, you will be able to view the battery health in the same way as described earlier.

By checking the AirPods settings in the device settings, you can ensure that you have the most accurate information about the battery health of your AirPods.

Importance of Monitoring Battery Health

Monitoring the battery health of your AirPods is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity. By keeping track of the battery life, you can identify any issues with charging or excessive battery drain. Maintaining good battery health is essential for maximizing the lifespan of your AirPods and getting the most out of your investment. Here are some reasons why monitoring battery health is important:

Benefits of Tracking Battery Life

  • Identify Issues: By regularly checking the battery health of your AirPods, you can quickly detect any problems with charging or battery drain. This allows you to address these issues promptly and ensure that your AirPods are always ready for use.
  • Optimal Performance: Monitoring battery life helps you ensure that your AirPods are functioning at their best. Knowing the battery level allows you to plan your usage accordingly and avoid any unexpected battery depletion.
  • Battery Replacement: Tracking battery health can help you determine when it’s time to replace the batteries in your AirPods. This can save you from experiencing sudden battery failure or performance issues.

Tips for Maximizing Battery Life

To maximize the battery life of your AirPods, consider the following tips:

  • Avoid Overcharging: Overcharging your AirPods can negatively impact battery health. To prevent this, avoid leaving your AirPods plugged in for extended periods, especially when they are already fully charged.
  • Use Optimized Charging: If your device supports optimized charging, enable this feature for your AirPods. Optimized charging helps preserve battery health by reducing the time your AirPods spend at 100% charge.
  • Keep Them Cool: Exposing your AirPods to extreme temperatures can degrade battery performance. Avoid leaving them in hot cars or exposing them to direct sunlight for long periods.
  • Update Firmware: Keeping your AirPods firmware up to date ensures that you have the latest performance optimizations and battery management features.

By monitoring the battery health of your AirPods and following these tips, you can ensure that your AirPods last longer and provide an optimal listening experience. Remember to check the battery level regularly and take steps to maintain good battery health.


Here are some frequently asked questions about checking the battery health of your AirPods:

Is checking AirPods battery health necessary?

Checking the battery health of your AirPods is not necessary, but it is recommended. By monitoring the battery health, you can identify any issues with charging or excessive battery drain. This allows you to address these issues promptly and ensure that your AirPods are always ready for use.

How often should I check my AirPods battery health?

There is no specific timeframe for checking the battery health of your AirPods. It is a good practice to check it periodically, especially if you notice any changes in the battery life or performance. Checking it once every few weeks or once a month should be sufficient.

Can I replace the battery in my AirPods?

No, the battery in AirPods is not replaceable. If you experience significant battery degradation or issues, it is recommended to contact Apple Support for further assistance.

What should I do if my AirPods battery health is low?

If you notice that the battery health of your AirPods is consistently low, you can try a few troubleshooting steps. Start by ensuring that your AirPods and the charging case are fully charged. You can also try resetting your AirPods or updating their firmware. If the issue persists, it is best to contact Apple Support for further guidance.

Are there any third-party apps to monitor AirPods battery health?

As of now, there are no official third-party apps available to monitor AirPods battery health. It is recommended to use the built-in options, such as checking the battery status on the case or adding a battery widget to your device’s home screen.



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