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How to Block Friend Requests on Facebook

Are you tired of receiving unwanted friend requests on Facebook? Blocking friend requests is a quick and easy way to prevent strangers from sending you unwanted invitations. By following a few simple steps, you can take control of your friend requests and enjoy a more secure online experience. If you’re using an iPhone or an Android device, you can easily block friend requests using the Facebook app. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of blocking friend requests step-by-step. To learn more about this topic, visit Thank you for tuning in, and let’s get started!

Step 1: Open the Facebook App

To block friend requests on Facebook, the first step is to open the Facebook app on your device. Whether you’re using an iPhone or an Android device, the process is the same. Once you have the app open, you’re ready to proceed with blocking friend requests.

Tap on the Menu Button

At the bottom right corner of the app, you’ll see a menu button. Tap on this button to access a list of options.

Find the ‘See More’ Option

In some cases, the menu may have additional options under the label ‘see more’. If you don’t see ‘Friends’ listed in the initial menu, tap on ‘See More’ to expand the menu and access additional options.

Select the ‘Friends’ Option

Within the menu, look for the ‘Friends’ option and tap on it. This will take you to a page where you can view your current friend requests.

Manage Your Friend Requests

On the friend requests page, you’ll see a list of all the pending friend requests you have. You can choose to either confirm or delete each request individually. By going through this process, you can prevent those users from sending you friend requests in the future.

Adjust Your Privacy Settings

If you want to further limit friend requests, you can adjust your privacy settings. Tap on the gear icon at the top right corner of the app to access the settings menu. Scroll down to ‘How People Find and Contact You’ and tap on it. From there, you can choose who can send you a friend request. By selecting ‘Friends of Friends’, you can limit friend requests to people who have mutual connections with you.

By following these steps, you can easily block friend requests on Facebook and enjoy a more secure online experience. Remember to regularly manage your friend requests and adjust your privacy settings as needed. Stay connected with the people who matter to you while keeping unwanted requests at bay.

Step 2: Access Friend Requests

If you want to manage your friend requests on Facebook, here’s how you can access them within the Facebook app:

Navigate to the Friend Requests Section

Open the Facebook app on your device. Whether you’re using an iPhone or an Android device, the process is the same. Once you have the app open, you’re ready to proceed.

Find the Shortcuts Section

At the bottom right corner of the app, you’ll see a menu button. Tap on this button to access a list of options. Look for the ‘Shortcuts’ section within the menu.

Tap on ‘See All’

If you don’t see ‘Friends’ listed in the initial menu, tap on ‘See More’ under the ‘Shortcuts’ section to expand the menu and access additional options. Then, tap on ‘Friends’ to proceed.

Manage Friend Requests

You’ll now be on the friend requests page, where you can view all your pending friend requests. Tap on ‘See All’ to display all current friend requests. From here, you have the option to either delete or confirm each individual request.

By going through this process, you can take control of your friend requests and prevent strangers from sending you unwanted invitations. Remember to regularly manage your friend requests and adjust your privacy settings as needed to enjoy a more secure online experience on Facebook.

Step 3: Restrict Friend Requests

If you want to further restrict friend requests on Facebook, follow these steps:

Go Back to the Main Menu and Tap on the Gear Icon

To access the settings menu for Facebook, go back to the main menu of the app. Look for the gear icon at the top right corner and tap on it.

Scroll Down and Find the ‘Audience Invisibility’ Section

In the settings menu, scroll down until you find the ‘Audience Invisibility’ section. This is where you can control how people find and contact you.

Highlight the Option to Control How People Find and Contact You

Within the ‘Audience Invisibility’ section, you’ll see an option to control how people find and contact you. Tap on this option to proceed.

By adjusting this setting, you can choose who can send you a friend request on Facebook. For example, if you select ‘Friends of Friends’, only people who have mutual connections with you will be able to send friend requests.

By following these steps, you can restrict friend requests on Facebook and have more control over who can contact you. This can help prevent unwanted friend requests and ensure a more secure online experience. Remember to regularly review and adjust your privacy settings as needed to maintain your desired level of privacy.

Step 4: Adjust Friend Request Settings

To further control who can send you friend requests on Facebook, you can adjust your friend request settings. Here’s how:

Locate the Friend Request Settings

At the top of the settings menu, you’ll find the option to control who can send you a friend request. By default, this setting is usually set to ‘everyone’.

Change the Setting to ‘Friends of Friends’

We recommend changing the setting to ‘friends of friends’ to limit the number of friend requests you receive. This means that only people who have mutual connections with you will be able to send you friend requests.

Note: Limiting, Not Blocking Friend Requests

Keep in mind that changing this setting won’t completely block friend requests, but it will significantly reduce them. Some friend requests may still come through if you have mutual friends with the sender.

By adjusting your friend request settings, you can have more control over who can contact you on Facebook. This helps to prevent unwanted friend requests and ensures a more secure online experience. Remember to regularly review and adjust your privacy settings as needed to maintain your desired level of privacy.


In conclusion, blocking friend requests on Facebook is a simple process that can help you prevent unwanted invitations and maintain a more secure online experience. Here is a summary of the steps we covered:

  • Open the Facebook app on your device.
  • Tap on the menu button and select the “Friends” option.
  • Manage your friend requests by confirming or deleting them.
  • Adjust your privacy settings to further limit friend requests.
  • Access the friend requests section within the Facebook app.
  • Find the shortcuts section and tap on “See More” to view all friend requests.
  • Manage friend requests by confirming or deleting them.
  • Restrict friend requests by adjusting your privacy settings.
  • Go to the settings menu and tap on the gear icon.
  • Scroll down to the “Audience Invisibility” section.
  • Choose who can send you a friend request, such as “Friends of Friends”.
  • Adjust your friend request settings to limit incoming requests.

Remember to regularly manage your friend requests and adjust your privacy settings as needed to maintain your desired level of privacy. Thank you for your support. For more guides, visit


Can I completely disable friend requests on Facebook?

No, unfortunately, there is no way to completely disable friend requests on Facebook. However, you can limit the number of friend requests you receive by adjusting your privacy settings.

Is the process the same on Android devices?

Yes, the process of blocking friend requests on Facebook is the same on both iPhone and Android devices. You can follow the same steps outlined in this guide.

What happens if I change the friend request setting to ‘friends of friends’?

If you change the friend request setting to ‘friends of friends’, only people who have mutual connections with you will be able to send you friend requests. This can help reduce the number of unwanted friend requests you receive.

Can I block specific individuals from sending me friend requests?

Yes, you can block specific individuals from sending you friend requests on Facebook. When you receive a friend request from someone you want to block, simply click on their profile, select the three dots at the top right corner, and choose the ‘Block’ option.

Are the steps reversible if I change my mind?

Yes, the steps to block or restrict friend requests on Facebook are reversible. If you change your mind, you can always go back to your privacy settings and adjust them accordingly.



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